Region Representative Funding Guidelines

Section 6.1 Region Representative Funding Assistance ( R e v i s e d B l o o m in g t o n , MN, 1 1 / 0 7 / 0 9 )


To provide funding for Region Representatives to attend region meetings when funds are not available from the Representative’s Intergroup or Unaffiliated Group.

1. Requests from any Intergroup or Unaffiliated Group should be mailed to the R4 Delegate Funding Coordinator and postmarked no later than sixty (60) days prior to the Region Assembly for which the funds are needed.

2. A copy of the most recent financial statement must accompany this application.  Also include:

a. Budgeted/Upcoming Expenses;

b. Prudent Reserve;

c. Current balance of checking and savings accounts.

3. Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of need.

4. Region Representative’s receipts are to be submitted to R4 Treasurer within two (2) weeks after the assembly attended.

5. The maximum amount awarded for expenses will be $1000 per Intergroup to send a Representative(s) to an Assembly.

6. The committee shall determine eligibility according to the following order of preference:

a. Intergroups or Unaffiliated Groups which have never had representation at a Region Assembly;

b. Intergroups or Unaffiliated Groups unable to fund a Representative to Region Assembly due to lack of funds.

7. Funding requires a majority vote of the committee.

8. Disposition of approved funds shall be as follows:

a. Disbursements of funds may be made prior to the Region Assembly to the approved Intergroup or Unaffiliated Group or to the Representative upon arrival at the Assembly, whichever is preferable to the Intergroup or Unaffiliated Group. (This preference should be stated on the application whenever possible.)

b. Any and all unused funds must be returned to the Region Treasurer as soon as possible.

c. The submitting Intergroup or unaffiliated group may withdraw applications at any time.

Click here to return to the online application form.

Click here for a printable copy of these guidelines and application form.

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